On this same date already two years ago, I left my country and came to live in Germany. Within this period, I have visited more countries than I had ever before. I’ve already been to Slovenia, Russia, Italy, and drove through Austria. My brother should arrive in the following weeks to Europe and he’ll be living in Holland, so I might wind up there soon.
Before coming to Germany, I had already lived in the US and the Dominican Republic, but had briefly landed in Panama, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico.
The gist is where my roots are. I’ve never lived in the same place for over seven years, and that was only twice (Bogota and Barranquilla in Colombia). For years, I geared everything towards a married, family life. And I have finally succeeded, to some extent.
A few years ago, while in the DR, shortly after I had met my wife, I was riding in a colleague’s car and the tape player was booming Jenn August’s “Home.” That’s when I realized it didn’t matter where I lived, ’cause I had found my home…