Monthly Archives: October 2005

The shadow of re-election

Just like it happened a year ago in the US, the shadow of re-election looms again, this time in my home country. As news services around the world report the sad news that Uribe could run a second term, the possibility of further violence and death due to an enraged guerrilla and an encouraged right wing extremist, not to mention friend of Bush, looms too.

This is just another battle won for Uribe, a difficult one to win, in fact, but won, nonetheless. The legislation must still set some conditions and elections will have to be held. In my opinion, however unfortunate it seems, the reality of another term for him is impending.

A night to forget

I’m terribly disappointed with Pavarotti’s performance. Transposed songs, singing from a stool, talking, and wearing a flashy scarf were not exactly what I had expected to encounter. Not only did he sing from a stool, but he did it behind the piano, where he also had a glass of some unknown liquid from which he was sipping every so often, and he never ever stood up.

I had seen him before in 1995 in Colombia, long after his prime was gone, but when he was still mobile and his performance was moving.

Don’t take my word for it. Thomas Tillmann, from the Online Music Magazine, considered his performance unworthy.

I will pretend I was never there and rejoice on his best recordings and perfomances, long before the three tenors, long before he and his friends…

My second year

Today, two years ago, in 2003, I arrived to what would become my home for a still undeterminate length of time, perhaps several years, perhaps till the end.

Today, almost two years after my wedding, and almost half a year since the other wedding, the prospect of children is more and more certain. Perhaps one day they will read these postings and wonder even more who their father is, or was, or will be.

The longer I spend here, the longer I realize that, finally, I found home, that a long life of nomadism has finally ended. I have never spent more than seven years in the same place. If five more years go by and I’m still here, the record will have been broken. We shall see.

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