Monthly Archives: December 2004

Blow on spammers!

Etymologically, according to Wikipedia, spam is derived from a Monty Python sketch. Regardless of where it comes from, it is certainly annoying and, unfortunately, affects us all, regardless of how well we try to protect ourselves. And it will never stop as long as people still keep answering to these ads either due to ignorance, lack of attention, or stupidity.

An Internet service Provider in Iowa filed a multimillion dollar suit against 300 spammers… and won!

Read all about it here.

That’s it, I’m Premium

BlogShares - Fantasy Blog Share MarketIt didn’t take me more than a couple of months to decide to join as premium member after too many times getting stuck when hitting the maximum number of transactions within 24 hours.

BlogShares introduces the concept of a stock market in which Industries comprised by companies (Blogs) which market Shares and products (Ideas), which can in turn be converted into Artefacts to simulate even more real-life actions. The mathematical algorithms embedded in the code intend to simulate real life in general, although I still find it quite unrealistic. Every player gets B$ 500 to start building up wealth. It didn’t take me more than a couple of weeks to become one of the 3,182 millionaires, which, out of the ever growing 16,065 current members (as of this posting), confirms that it’s not very realistic. My current rank in the game is 1,216, or 255 among the 307 Premium Members. I wish I could increase my money by 100,000% in two months time. Well, a couple of days ago I spent B$ 25,000,000 + to buy ideas to make them into an artifact.

And that’s not all, since they are, or so they claim, the best blog directory available, in reality it’s a way to get your blog known and read, plus you can actually exchange activity (in the form of chips) in the game into highly visible ads for your blog, or whatever… I guess…

It’s our wedding anniversary!

So, one year ago, Irena and I united our lives in a civil ceremony. Our Catholic wedding is due May 28, 2005.

You’ve heard this one before, but I truly feel she’s the right one for me, and we fit so well together… The next step is to bring children to the world. Time will tell.

Our wedding cake

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